Dear Mr Amah
In answer to your letter of 25 March 2011
I disagree with your answer. in my view as the person being accused of making a phone to the DWP FRAUD LINE by Paul Smith 2M0DXR he is breaking the terms an conditions of his amateur radio
1 In late may a malicious phone call was made to the DWP BENEFIT FRAUDLINE in which my name and
address was used as the complainer I was supposed to have told the DWP that I heard Paul Smith talking
on amateur radio and telling another person that he was working while still claiming state benefit
2 Paul Smith"s story is that he was asked along to his local job centre to be interviewed and during the
interview the person conducting the interview left Paul Smith in the room for a few minutes and Paul
Smith states that the case papers were left on the desk
This gave him the oppertunity to scan the report and saw my name and address as being the ALLEGED
COMPLAINER who made the malicious phone call to the benefit fraud line
3 The first time this malicious phone call came to my knowledge was a morning in early june 2010 while
listening gb3cs on my scanner getting ready to go out to a hospital appointment at the royal infirmary
in glasgow
Paul Smith appeared and started to openly boast to John Brown MM0GCF about his trip to the jobcentre
and how he obtained my name and address
4 Paul Smith has been broadcasting information amateur radio that he has seen my name and address
on a confidential report relating to a malicious phone call to a benefit fraudline which seeing my name
and address as being an alleged complainer
Is proof because if this said phone call was made then he is also stating on amateur radio this when I first
learned about this malicious phone call when paul smith started boasting about it
This means that thanks to Paul Smith2M0DXR openly boasting about this on amateur radio paul has
informed people that a goverment employee in a goverment office has allowed a breach of the DATA
PROTECTION ACT to take place
I await your answer
Colin watson