Wednesday, 30 March 2011


I am of the opinion that there was a  breach of the DATA PROTECTION at a job centre in the Glasgow
area in early June 2010 which in my view that the DWP are not willing to admit has happened.

7 Feb 2011 After hearing a Paul Smith 2M0DXR a licenced radio amateur talking on a local amateur
repeater serving the Glasgow area on UHF GB3GL he was in coversation with a Dennis Barrett MM0DNX
Ray Foulds MM0MTO and a Willie Hattie GM4LYV the topic of the conversation was the falling standards
in amateur radio through the changes in the RAE

Paul Smith found this the perfect oppertunity to bring up the subject again about a malicious phone to the
DWP BENEFIT FRAUD LINE  in which my name and address was used and a malicious phone call that
I had no part in or any knowledge of I was suppose to have told the benefit fraud line that I heard Paul Smith
talking on amateur radio and telling another person that he was working will claiming state benefit

The first I became aware of this malicious phone call to the DWP FRAUD LINE was when I was listening
to GB3CS from memory  this was a wed morning and I was listening to the scanner while getting ready to
head out for a hospital appointment at the royal when Paul Smith appeared and openly boasted to another
radio amateur John Brown MM0GCF

Paul Smith openly boasted about his trip to the job centre to be interviewed  the person asked paul if he was
on amateur radio he said yes and Paul Smith has openly stated and boasted about it about how he was left
alone in a room by the person conducting the interview for a few minutes

Paul Smith claims that left before his very eyes was the complaint report on the desk which he was able to
scan and to obtain my name and address as being the alleged complainer which he has repeated a few

After repeating this story on Monday 7 Feb 2011 I went up to my local cab office to find out what I could
about this to put a stop to Mr  Smith being able to repeat these remarks I was informed by a gentleman
that this sounds as if there has been a breach of the DATA PROTECTION ACT and suggested that I
raise this matter with Gregg McClymont MP

Colin Watson

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